Sign-up in person to volunteer in these roles before, during, or after worship.

Thank you for giving of your time and talent!

Lay Assistant

Lay Assistants help lead worship, including reading scripture and prayers, as well as serving Holy Communion.



Ushers greet people as they arrive and hand out bulletins before worship as well as collect the offering and provide guidance for Holy Communion during worship. 

Tellers count the offering collected following worship and enter the information into the computer.
Coffee Hour Host
Coffee Hour treats can be 1 or 2 simple snacks, store bought or homemade, as well as bringing half and half. Please arrive around 9 am to make the coffee (both regular and decaf), the machine will already be on and ready. 
Tech Support
Tech Support arrives a little before worship to set up the ipad and tripod and then runs the Facebook live-stream during worship.