Kids are invited to participate in Sunday School, which is offered every week on Sunday mornings before worship from 8:45-9:15 am.  We have classes for younger kids and older kids until they are confirmed.

Click here to register for Sunday School

Vacation Bible School was a hit this summer with the theme, Operation Restoration: Mending God's World. Learn more and stay tuned for next summer!

First Communion class is offered by Pastor Peggy on an as needed basis when interest is expressed by the child and their adult believes they are ready. 

We believe in baptism at any age.  If you are seeking baptism for your child or yourself please contact Pastor Peggy to answer your questions and move forward.   

Additionally, we offer confirmation which meets regularly during the school year for 7th & 8th graders. 

Youth Group meets periodically throughout the year engaging in fun service activities as well as Lock-ins, car washes, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about any of our Children or Youth Ministries please contact Diane Rossi or Pastor Peggy.